E N V I S I O N:
To visualize oneself, to imagine as a future possibility.
"She envisioned a bright and beautiful life for herself."
Nobody talks about how courageous it is to imagine a future that is vastly different - and far better - than what you are experiencing right now.
To dare to dream - big, boldly, wildly, and with all of your heart.
The truth is that it can be scary to imagine more for yourself, and to fully open yourself up to what your heart truly wants.
We fear imagining a better life for ourselves because we are afraid of disappointment - of not getting what we want, of wanting "too much," of being judged for it, of the challenges that we may face, of failing, of what happens when we actually realize our greatest vision, and if we don’t feel truly worthy of receiving it all.
Which is why I believe visioning is so powerful -
We don't give ourselves the permission to do it.
But when you fully allow yourself to vision, the quiet voice of the heart is given the opportunity to say - “This, this is what I want, this, more than anything - THIS.”
When you dare to imagine a big and beautiful vision for your life - you are leaning into the realm of possibility, where you get to connect with your deepest and most sincere what if?
When you envision something greater for your life - you are choosing yourself and a future in a way you never have before.
And it is through first imagining a new reality for yourself that you can then take the steps to create it.
It begins with a vision, and it begins with you.

ENVISION is designed to guide you to tap into a highly inspiring, authentic, and courageous life vision for yourself that feels insightful, invigorating, and crystal-clear.

This isn't just another vision board 101 class, ENVISION is a comprehensive deep-dive on how to create and work with a powerful life vision.
In this masterclass - I guide you to access your most authentic and intuitive visualization, and give you the tools, resources, and the essential questions you need to consider when crafting an affirming vision for yourself.
When you visualize a big, bold, and exciting life for yourself, you are painting a clear picture of what you want to feel, embody, and experience. There is more than one way to visualize your life, and this masterclass showcases several modalities that you can utilize to help you access your own unique vision. ENVISION is here to help you develop, refine, and breathe life into a new reality that makes you excited to wake up every day and live it.
A life vision is meant to inspire, invigorate, and motivate you. It gives you a crystal-clear direction in which you can begin to move toward and shape your life. A life vision is permissive. It's empowering. It's highly creative. It can even be revolutionary - when you dare to open yourself up to what is possible beyond the limitations of your current reality.
I know that having big dreams comes with big fears, which is why ENVISION is designed to support you in identifying those fears so they don't stop you from trusting and going after your dreams.
It is natural to have doubts and fears arise as you imagine moving beyond what is familiar and comfortable, and in this masterclass I show you how to handle those fears when they show up. This masterclass is here to help you give yourself complete permission to want more for yourself and to dream BIG in spite of the fears that are quick to discourage you.

ENVISION is for anyone who is ready and wanting to transform their life, and dares to dream of a bigger life than they ever thought was possible.
You are ready to unlock and take ownership of a powerful vision for yourself.
You want to learn more about yourself and discover the insights into how you can experience more fulfillment in your life.
You're prepared to look at the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs you hold around what you think you can and cannot experience given your current reality.
You are ready to allow yourself to dream big, and to trust that your dreams are important guides for you.
You know you are meant for more in this life, that you want to experience greater purpose, direction, and fulfillment - and to discover what is possible for you.

The pre-recorded 90 Minute video of the ENVISION masterclass.
An accompanying PDF of the masterclass highlights and reflective journal prompts.
Bonus! An audio file of a guided meditative visualization.

Q: Do I have life-time access?
A: Yes! Upon purchase, ENVISION is yours to keep, complete, and revisit at your convenience.
Q: Do you offer payment plans for this masterclass?
A: No, a one-time payment is required to purchase ENVISION.
Q: What is your refund policy?​
A: There are no refunds available for ENVISION. If this masterclass feels right for you, trust it. If it doesn't, trust that too. If you're still not sure, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Q: What can I expect from this masterclass?​
A: ENVISION is meant to provide insight, clarity, guidance, inspiration, and affirmation for you to courageously imagine and create a life vision for yourself. While this masterclass is designed to help you create an exciting life vision, I cannot guarantee you any specific results. You've got to be willing to commit fully to this process and show up for yourself to get the best results with the masterclass content and resources I have curated for you here.
Q: More questions?
A: Reach out at hello@kellyjacquelinesmith.com and we'd be happy to answer them!

"As someone with big, ambitious dreams and desires, I know how intimidating it can be to fully let yourself want big things. You may look around at the circumstances of your life and think that more is not possible for you or that you're setting yourself up for massive disappointment. I've been there, and that is exactly why I knew I needed to create this masterclass for you.
I believe that we NEED big visions - not just for ourselves, but for the world. We need women who are brave enough to imagine a greater reality, and to begin to bring those realities into being. When you are living a fulfilling and purposeful life, you will inevitably inspire and impact the lives of the people around you, too. It all begins with a courageous vision.​"
Kelly is a certified professional life coach who is passionate about helping women to actualize their biggest and boldest lives, connecting them more intimately with themselves, what is possible, what they're capable of, and what makes these women come alive.

Click here to register for the course and make your payment. Once payment is received you will receive an email from Kelly with all of the complete ENVISION masterclass package.